The code below works fine on Excel 2016 but is giving me an Object Defined 1004 error on the 'If (Not Rng.Pivotcell'
Microsoft Script Runtime is active as reference. That had fixed a 1004 error for me before but with this one I am at a loss.
''Returns true if the column belongs to a pivot or not
Public Function ColumnBelongsToAPivot(ByVal ColumnLetter As String, ByVal RowIndex As Long, ByVal UseSheet As Worksheet) As Boolean
ColumnBelongsToAPivot = False
On Error GoTo Bye:
Dim X1 As Long
Dim ColumnRange1 As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = UseSheet.Range(ColumnLetter & RowIndex)
If (Not Rng.PivotCell Is Nothing) Then
ColumnBelongsToAPivot = True
ColumnBelongsToAPivot = False
End If
End Function
Calling Rng.PivotCell
when Rng
is not in a pivot table will trigger a run-time error: that error should be caught by your On Error GoTo Bye
, so if you're still getting an error then it's possible you have your VBA error handling option set to "Break on all errors".