reference to converting sql server rowversion to long or ulong? i can convert SQL RowVersion to ulong by code:
static ulong BigEndianToUInt64(byte[] bigEndianBinary)
return ((ulong)bigEndianBinary[0] << 56) |
((ulong)bigEndianBinary[1] << 48) |
((ulong)bigEndianBinary[2] << 40) |
((ulong)bigEndianBinary[3] << 32) |
((ulong)bigEndianBinary[4] << 24) |
((ulong)bigEndianBinary[5] << 16) |
((ulong)bigEndianBinary[6] << 8) |
Now, I am faced with a problem, how to convert ulong to byte [8]? I save the value of rowversion to a file, then read it and use it to make the query. the query parameter should be byte[] , not ulong . otherwise , there is an error will be raised.
i got an answer from BigEndian.GetBytes Method (Int64)
thanks all.
public static byte[] GetBytes(this ulong value)
return new[]
(byte)(value >> 56),
(byte)(value >> 48),
(byte)(value >> 40),
(byte)(value >> 32),
(byte)(value >> 24),
(byte)(value >> 16),
(byte)(value >> 8),