i am currently looking for an easier solution for the following Problem:
I want to repeat the latest value of an observable as soon as the application emits a truethy ready state. Is there an easier way without creating an extra temporary Subject like in the following solution using the rxjs operators? I could not create a working combination with those.
Current Solution without rxjs operators:
private repeatWhenReady<T>(obs: Observable<T>): Observable<T> {
// store.select returns the observable of the ready State
const readyObs = this.store.select(state => state.ready).pipe(first(ready => ready=== true));
const resultSubject = new Subject<T>();
let lastValue: T;
let lastValueSet = false;
let ready = false;
const complete = () => resultSubject.complete();
obs.subscribe((value) => {
if (!ready) {
lastValue = value;
lastValueSet = true;
} else {
}, complete, complete);
readyObs.subscribe(() => {
ready = true;
if (lastValueSet) {
return resultSubject.asObservable();
You can try with withLatestFrom operator.
private repeatWhenReady<T>(obs: Observable<T>): Observable<T> {
return this.store.select(state => state.ready)
first(ready => !!ready), // filter your ready value with true
withLatestFrom(obs), // take last value of your observable
map(([first, second]) => { // map observable pipe to second value
return second;
You can access here.