My method interceptor isn't called in test context. the test context is configured for my test class: with @ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:testContext.xml"})
and I have a method interceptor:
public class MyMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("invocation >>>> " + invocation);
and it's configured in my context.xml file like this:
<bean id="myMethodInterceptor" class=""/>
<aop:advisor pointcut="@within("
advice-ref="myMethodInterceptor" order="10"/>
my expectation is in my test when I call a method with MyAnnotation
the interceptor is being called, but it will not. I'm using JUnit 4.12
when I call a method with
This will never work, neither in a test nor in production code. The reason is simple: A method interceptor and use of the @within()
pointcut designator are diametrically opposed to each other:
intercepts everything (i.e. in Spring AOP method executions) inside annotated classes, while according to your description you want to intercept annotated methods.
The solution would be to either use @annotation(
and annotate all target methods, or to continue using @within(
, but annotate target classes instead.