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I don't understand how to do this Lesson :'(

Lesson 2: Design an address decoder for 64 KB memory from 16KB memory ICs, knowing that the memory base address is 94000H and the address decoder is designed using circuits combinatorial logic.


  • 64KB is four times 16KB, so you will need four 16KB memory chips. Addressing 64 KB = 216 bytes of memory requires 16 wires between CPU and the memory chips. Let's enumerate those wires as 0..15:

           15   11    7    3  0 
            |    |    |    |  | 
    lowest: 0000_0000_0000_0000b

    Your 16KB chips use only addressing pins 0..13, connect them all in parallel to the address bus. The remaining pins 14..15 need to be decoded to four chip-select (CS) signals, connected each to their corresponding 16KB chip and causing the chip idle when CS is not 1.

    Combinatorial logic of the decoder is straightforward:

    CPU pins   CS3 CS2 CS1 CS0
    15 14
     0  0       0   0   0   1
     0  1       0   0   1   0
     1  0       0   1   0   0
     1  1       1   0   0   0  

    Construction of the decoder depends on available logical gates, for instance CS0 should be 1 if and only if both pins 14 and 15 area 0, so you may need two input invertors and one AND gate.

    Remapping the address space to 94000H

           19   15   11    7    3  0 
            |    |    |    |    |  | 
    94000h: 1001_0100_0000_0000_0000b

    affects only address bit 14 of 64KB memory, so you should invert this bit on input of your four CS decoders and you can ignore addressing pins 16..19.