I have a workbook on OneDrive. Usually, ThisWorkbook.FullName returns a path on disk:
c:\Users\MyName\OneDrive - MyCompany\BlaBla\MyWorkbook 09-21-17.xlsb
But after a set of operation in VBA where I manually save the file to a backup folder and rename the current file with a new date, OneDrive syncs and ThisWorkbook.FullName returns a URL:
https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/personal/MyName_Company_com/Documents/mycompany/Apps/BlaBla/MyWorkbook 10-21-17.xlsb
I need the path to disk, even when ThisWorkbook.FullName returns a URL.
If I wanted to hack something together, I could save the path before my operations, but I want to be able to retrieve the disk path at any time.
I've seen some procedures other people have hacked together, like this one, but it more or less just reformats the URL into a path on disk. Doing this isn't reliable as the URL path and the disk path don't always have the same directory structure (see the reformatting done in the linked procedure compared to the directory structures I give as examples above).
Is there a solid, direct, way of returning the path on disk of the Workbook, even if it's syncing online and ThisWorkbook.FullName is returning a URL?
Here's a solution for this problem. The assignment of Sharepoint libraries to local mountpoints is stored in the registry, the following function will convert the URL to a local filename. I edited this to incorporate RMK's suggestions:
Function GetLocalFile(wb As Workbook) As String
' Set default return
GetLocalFile = wb.FullName
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Dim strValue As String
Dim objReg As Object: Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
Dim strRegPath As String: strRegPath = "Software\SyncEngines\Providers\OneDrive\"
Dim arrSubKeys() As Variant
objReg.EnumKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strRegPath, arrSubKeys
Dim varKey As Variant
For Each varKey In arrSubKeys
' check if this key has a value named "UrlNamespace", and save the value to strValue
objReg.getStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strRegPath & varKey, "UrlNamespace", strValue
' If the namespace is in FullName, then we know we have a URL and need to get the path on disk
If InStr(wb.FullName, strValue) > 0 Then
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strCID As String
Dim strMountpoint As String
' Get the mount point for OneDrive
objReg.getStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strRegPath & varKey, "MountPoint", strMountpoint
' Get the CID
objReg.getStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strRegPath & varKey, "CID", strCID
' strip off the namespace and CID
strTemp = Right(wb.FullName, Len(wb.FullName) - Len(strValue & "/" & strCID))
' replace all forward slashes with backslashes
GetLocalFile = strMountpoint & Replace(strTemp, "/", "\")
Exit Function
End If
End Function