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back4App, query using alamofire

I'm trying to make a query request on my database in back4app using Alamofire. (i don't want to use Parse, for study purpose). My DB has 2 simple field , Name and Age


I would like to send .get request using AF to obtain the data relative to a specific name.

I'm able to retrive all data in the DB with the following function:

 func readData(){
        AF.request(url!, method: .get, headers: headers).responseJSON { json in

as per the back4app documentation in order to query a specific field is reported: " specified the Parameters where URL parameter constraining the value for keys. It should be encoded JSON"

here my test:

func readDataQuery(name: String){
        let param: [String: String]  = [
                 "Name": name
        AF.request(url!, method: .get, parameters: param, headers: headers)
            .responseJSON { json in

but it return an error:

    code = 102;
    error = "Invalid parameter for query: Name";

how can I write the parameters to pass at the request?



  • You are getting this error because there is no such query parameter called "Name". In order to get objects via a condition, you would have to use the "where" clause like this.

    let param: [String: String]  = ["where": "{"Name":"Meimi"}"]

    For more information please visit this website