Trying to run sonarqube scan on a project and I am getting "Execution Success" as sonarqube result but the bamboo task result is in "Failure" state due to the below error:
ERROR: Failed to parse file [<path-to-file>l-debug.js] at line 55623: Unexpected token (
ERROR: Failed to parse file [<path-to-file>l3gm-debug.js] at line 55373: Unexpected token (
for example l-debug.js file, line 55623 starts with "(color:" :
var textStyle = new{
fill: new{
/** @type {ol.Color} */
(color: "color" in object ? object["color"] : ol.format.KML.DEFAULT_COLOR_),
/** @type {number|undefined} */
(scale: object["scale"]),
Currently using:
SonarQube version: 7.9.5
Sonar Scanner version: sonar-scanner-msbuild-
I am sure, by disabling Fail build when SonarQube reports analysis errors in bamboo job will solve the problem but we don't want to see false success.
Please advice
Updating to SonarQube 8.9.x version fixed this issue.