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Sonar scanner for MSBuild ERROR: Failed to parse file [<path-to-file>l-debug.js] at line 55623: Unexpected token (

Trying to run sonarqube scan on a project and I am getting "Execution Success" as sonarqube result but the bamboo task result is in "Failure" state due to the below error:

ERROR: Failed to parse file [<path-to-file>l-debug.js] at line 55623: Unexpected token (
ERROR: Failed to parse file [<path-to-file>l3gm-debug.js] at line 55373: Unexpected token (

for example l-debug.js file, line 55623 starts with "(color:" :

        var textStyle = new{
            fill: new{
                /** @type {ol.Color} */
                (color: "color" in object ? object["color"] : ol.format.KML.DEFAULT_COLOR_),
            /** @type {number|undefined} */
            (scale: object["scale"]),

Currently using:

SonarQube version: 7.9.5

Sonar Scanner version: sonar-scanner-msbuild-

I am sure, by disabling Fail build when SonarQube reports analysis errors in bamboo job will solve the problem but we don't want to see false success.

Please advice


  • Updating to SonarQube 8.9.x version fixed this issue.