So this is for a purchase order data entry application where the user enters each item from a PO into the UserForm listbox with different attributes of the item in each column. For example:
Column 1: Name of the product Column 2: Qty purchased Column 3: Price
Everything works great, but I cannot get the values out of the 0+n columns in the list box. I've only found this code, but it only gets me the text value for the nth column:
ListBox1.ListIndex = n
MsgBox ListBox1.Text
I can get the value for (n, column 0), which I need. But I also need the value of (n, column 1), (n, column 2), etc.
You can specify column number and row number to return value from ListBox
control. Below is simple code to return value from 3rd column, 3rd row.
Note: ListBox indexing always start from zero (0).
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iRow As Long
iCol = 2 'Specify column number
iRow = 2 'Specify row number
MsgBox ListBox1.List(iRow, iCol)
End Sub
If you want to loop through all elements then you have to use a For
loop. See this post for details.