Search code examples

How can I pick certain columns and append them under the other using Google Sheets formula?

How can I get Away Team and append them to the last row of Home Team (Being Home or Away doesn't matter, in this case), and get AST and append to HST. I'd see Date being repeated so as to keep data consistent.

I've tried combining query() with importrange(), filter(), etc, but without any luck so far.

Here's the data:

enter image description here


  • Try

    ={flatten({A2:A,A2:A}),flatten({B2:B,B2:B}), flatten(C2:D),flatten(E2:F)}

    or according to your local parameters

    ={flatten({A2:A\A2:A})\flatten({B2:B\B2:B})\ flatten(C2:D)\flatten(E2:F)}