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new line in javascript text variable

I have this text here:

var text1 = '<p>Hey ' + rows[i].NAME + ', \n\nFrom our team here at Indera Technologies ...

I send it like this through html parameter in nodemailer transporter:

 var text1 = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"></head><body><p>Hey ' + rows[i].NAME + ', \n\nFrom our team here at Pier Solutions, we wanted to let you know that we have done a little re-branding. We have changed our name to... drum roll please! \n\nIndera Technologies!</p>'
var text2 = '</body></html>'
// send mail with defined transport object
                    let sendBatch = await transporter.sendMail({
                        from: "", // sender address
                        to: rows[i].EMAIL,
                        // bcc: emails, // list of receivers
                        subject: "It's Official, we've rebranded!", // Subject line
                        html: text1 + req.body.htmlContent + text2

then when I send the email, it actually shows up in the email like this:

Hey Gianluca From our team here at Indera Technologies

it does all one line instead of new line.

how do I fix this?


  • If this is supposed to be part of HTML, use the <br> tag instead of \n. Or better yet, put the lower text in a separate <p> tag

    Also, you might want to learn about Template Literals, it's going to make writing strings like that much easier