I'm a newbie to javascript, and I'm trying to create a dynamic variable in Google Tag Manager, I currently have this script
function() {
var test1 = 'hello'
var newURL = window.location.href
if (typeof test1!= 'undefined')
return newURL;
return newURL + '?utm_param' + test1;
With this, I will have output like http://www.test.com/?utm_param=hello
If I want to have a dynamic query string, if the URL ended with test.com/?test1=test&utm_param=hello
how do I do that?
Thank you
function() {
var test1 = 'hello'
var newURL = new URL(window.location.href)
if (typeof test1 === 'undefined') {
newURL.searchParams.append('utm_param', test1);
return newURL.toString();