I tried tracking if people on the bots guild change activities (like starting to play a game)
After reading the javadoc I found out:
must be active.
so thats my Main:
JDABuilder builder = JDABuilder.createDefault(token);
this.jda = builder.build();
jda.addEventListener( new ActivityListener(jda));
And this my Listener:
public class ActivityListener extends ListenerAdapter {
private final JDA jda;
public ActivityListener(JDA jda) {
this.jda = jda;
public void onUserUpdateActivities(@NotNull UserUpdateActivitiesEvent event) {
System.out.println(event.getUser().getAsTag() + " " + event.getUser().getIdLong());
Sadly when I or someone else starts a game or smt else it never triggers.
I used jda.getUserCache(); to check if the caching worked and I am i the cache, but it still doesn't work.
The members for the associated users have to be cached before the event fires. Since you use lazy loading this might take a while to happen since members are added to cache through messages or voice states.
You can use setChunkingFilter(ChunkingFilter.ALL) to eagerly load all members on startup.
There was a bug which caused these events to not fire which has been fixed in 4.2.1_264.