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Backup data for later restore (save previous values)

I am trying to figure out a way to backup data to recover it when I need it. During the UserForm initialization I am doing

'Save Backup
Worksheets("Machine Format").Cells(ActiveCell.Column).EntireColumn.copy

which would be preferred if it's not the entire column but only rows with data, but I don't know how to combine this code with

Dim LastRow As Long

LastRow = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Everything I could think of didn't work, however when I try to paste previously copied data with

'Paste Backup
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Machine Format").Cells(ActiveCell.Column)

it doesn't paste it and shows no error either. I'm not even sure if the concept of backing up data like this is an optimal or good idea.

Could someone help me, please, in solving this issue? The reason why I even need this is because I have a userform that modifies data realtime and upon closing the userform via X button I need it to cancel all the changes and I figure that I could copy the data upon userform initialization and then paste it back in if userform was closed via x button.


  • You can save the values in an array

    Dim BackupArray() As Variant
    BackupArray = Worksheets("Machine Format").UsedRange.Value

    And if you have to return them you can use

    Worksheets("Machine Format").Cells(row, column).Value = BackupArray(row, column)

    to return specific values from the backup, or revert the entire values at once:

    Worksheets("Machine Format").UsedRange.Value = BackupArray

    Note that this works only on changed values. If new values were added and you want to remove them too you need to clear the contents of all cells first and revert to the original range:

    Dim OriginalDataRange As Range
    Set OriginalDataRange = Worksheets("Machine Format").UsedRange
    Dim BackupArray() As Variant
    BackupArray = OriginalDataRange.Value
    ' do your changes here
    ' revert entire backup
    Worksheets("Machine Format").UsedRange.ClearContents  'remove changed data including new added data
    OriginalDataRange.Value = BackupArray  ' revert old tata

    Make BackupArray a public variable if creating the backup and restoring does not happen in the same procedure.

    Note that if you accidentally stop the entirve VBA run eg. by using the End statement (do not mix up with End Sub!) then the backup data is lost. It only persists during the runtime of VBA (or better the lifetime of the variable BackupArray).