I would like to parse the property value into an custom Object. Example; i have application.properties; say
And would like to convert that property into java LocalTime object.
public class RuleUtils {
public LocalTime weekDayMorningPeakStart;
I have tried the below, but not helping.
// @EnableConfigurationProperties(LocalTime.class)
public Class<LocalTime> getLocalTime() {
return LocalTime.class;
Getting below error:
EL1008E: Property or field 'localTime' cannot be found on object of type 'org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanExpressionContext'
I tried web and stackoverflow, but not getting specific answer. Please help.
Only workaround i know for this is constructor injection; but this will bloat my constructor with many arguments
public class RuleUtils {
public LocalTime weekDayMorningPeakStart;
public RuleUtils(@Value("${rules.peakHours.weekday.morning.start}") String weekDayMorningPeakStart) {
this.weekDayMorningPeakStart = LocalTime.parse(weekDayMorningPeakStart);
You can use expression templating to parse into LocalTime
, like show in the Expression templating section
@Value("#{ T(java.time.LocalTime).parse('${rules.peakHours.weekday.morning.start}')}")
private LocalTime localTime;