I am testing my CodenameOne app on iOS and I have troubles with this method:
public void readFile() {
JSONText=new String();
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().openInputStream(Utils.getRootPath()+DATA_FILE_NAME);
InputStreamReader br = new InputStreamReader(is);
int numChars=is.available();
System.out.println("numchars "+String.valueOf(numChars)); // = 1
char[] b=new char[numChars];
br.read(b, 0,numChars);
JSONText = new String(b);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("read "+JSONText); // '{'
The above mentioned method does work on the CN1 simulator but
it does not work in iOS.
CodenameOne is sort of cross-platform but not as well as Java itself. Some methods have to be tested on each platform.
I am interested in iOS platform.
That method seems not to be working on iOS, indeed it reads just 1 char only.
What is the correct routine to just read a simple text file to be used in a CN1 app on iOS?
You don't need all this code. You can just use Util.readToString() to read the InputStream directly into a String.
String jsonText=Util.readToString(is);