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Stata: Esttab Long Labels

I am using estpost and esttab commands to create frequency distribution tables. However, the labels of my categorical variables are too long and Stata crops the variable labels.

sysuse auto, clear

label define longlabel 0 "domestic car domestic car domestic car domestic car domestic car" ///
1 "foreign car foreign car foreign car foreign car foreign car" 

label values foreign longlabel

estpost tabulate foreign 
esttab ., cells("b") eqlabels(`e(eqlabels)') varlabels(`e(labels)') label 

                         Car type
domestic car domes~t           52
foreign car foreig~            22
Total                          74
Observations                   74

Is there a way to force Stata to save the full labels?


  • You can use option noabbrev to prevent truncation, or varwidth(#) to set the width of the first column.