Does simplemodal mess up ASP.NET AJAXified controls? It would appear that after showing the modal, using something that uses AJAX, closing the modal and re-opening it, the AJAXified controls no longer work.
Is this because of simplemodal or coincidental? Are there workarounds for this behavior if it is due to simple modal? I would rather not use jquery UI, because the library is huge and all I really want is this modal functionality.
I haven't used ASP.NET AJAXified controls but i used Simplemodal quite a lot. Simplemodal clone html elements when opens. So the problem you described could happend because of that. As a workaround try to set persist:true
in that case simplemodal does not clone the elements.
$("#simplemodal-popup").modal({ persist: true });
persist [Boolean:false] Persist the data across modal calls? Only used for existing DOM elements. If true, the data will be maintained across modal calls, if false, the data will be reverted to its original state.