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WebRTC PeerConnection addTrack after connection established

I'm doing a video conference website. The use case is a user are showing camera and everyone already see here camera. It mean the connection is stable. And user want to share screen. After I have screen stream, I add track to peerConnection but remote computer not fire ontrack event.

Here is my code after I got screen stream:

       if (this.screenStream != null && 'getTracks' in this.screenStream) {
          this.screenStream.getTracks().forEach(track => {
            console.log('ADD TRACK FOR CONNECTION');
            // const sender = peerConnection.getSenders();
            peerConnection.addTrack(track, this.screenStream);


Please tell me what I was wrong, or guide me some solutions, thank you so much!


  • You need to renegotiate after addTrack. You can either do so manually by calling createOffer, setLocalDescription and setRemoteDescription or rely on the onnegotiationneeded callback to happen as described in