I have an input json which is of the form:
"ListArray": [
"address": "address1",
"contact": "123456789",
"bpId": 123
"address": "address2",
"contact": "135792468",
"bpId": 456
"address": "address3",
"contact": "246812356",
"bpId": 678
I want the output json to be in this format:
"Address_list": ["address1","address2","address3"],
"Contact_list": ["123456789","135792468","246812356"],
"Id_list": [123,456,678]
Could someone tell me how should I do this. What should be jolt transformation expression for it
Using one step of shift type transformation is enough such as
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"ListArray": {
"*": {
"address": "Address_list",
"contact": "Contact_list",
"bpId": "Id_list"
If changing of the name of the keys was not the case, you'd directly use like this
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"ListArray": {
"*": {
"*": "&"