I loved Loki's C++ HierarchyGenerator and want to do the same in C#.
What I want in the end is a class that has a virtual function per argument in a given typelist.
C++ code I'd like to convert:
template <class T>
class SenderV
virtual void Send(T t) = 0;
template <int i>
class Foo // Just to make it easy to show typelist, it's not interesting.
{ /* doIt definition */ };
typedef TYPELIST_2(Foo<1>,Foo<2>) FooSendables;
template <typename TList=FooSendables>
class FooSend : public Loki::GenScatterHierarchy <TList,SenderV>
void Send(Foo<1> f) {f.doIt();std::cout<<"Sending Foo1."<<std::endl;};
void Send(Foo<2> f) {f.doIt();std::cout<<"Sending Foo2."<<std::endl;};
in C#. If you aren't familiar with Loki, the FooSend class above would default to:
class FooSend : SenderV<Foo<1> >, SenderV<Foo<2> >//including every type in TList
{ /*... as above */};
But when a new TList is given, it'd be a different Hierarchy based on the Types in the TList.
I'm also interested in a GenLinearHierarchy in Loki if it exists out there.
I could always try to translate between the languages, but I'm not a big fan of trying that as I'm new to C# and just want to do my work, not learn the subtle difference between templates and generics.
using t4:
<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
<#@ import namespace="System" #>
namespace SomeNamespace
public interface Sender<T>
void Send<T>(T t);
<# string[] strings={"Foo1","Foo2","Foo3"};
foreach (String node in strings)
{ #> partial class <#= node #> {}
<# } #>
class z {}
public class FooSend: Sender<z><#
foreach (String node in strings)
{ #>, Sender<<#= node #>> <# } #>
I can't get the formatting the way I'd like (and, regardless, the t4 formatting is always going to be ugly), but this solves my problem.
The code above produces:
namespace SomeNamespace
public interface Sender<T>
void Send<T>(T t);
partial class Foo1 {}
partial class Foo2 {}
partial class Foo3 {}
class z {}
public class ParentClass : Sender<z>, Sender<Foo1> , Sender<Foo2> , Sender<Foo3> {
Which fits my needs.