I'm trying to write a javascript function that finds all possible routes of length N on a board (a 15x15 grid) where the player cannot move diagonally. I was able to come up with a pretty simple recursive solution but I suspect it is extremely unoptimized.
Here is the code:
search(n, u, v) {
if (n == 0 || isWall(u, v))
board[v][u] = 2;
search(n - 1, u, v - 1);
search(n - 1, u + 1, v);
search(n - 1, u, v + 1);
search(n - 1, u - 1, v);
board is a 2d array that contains the board's data. Free spaces, walls and reachable spaces are represented by 0s, 1s and 2s respectively.
Here's an example of what is looks like given N=6
EDIT: As mentionned below, I'm trying to find all reachable cells in N or less moves.
Like others wrote, you should use a breadth-first traversal instead of a depth-first traversal.
Secondly, you should not revisit a cell that already has been marked with value 2, so your condition to continue should be that the current cell has value 0.
I would suggest implementing the traversal using two arrays:
function search(board, n, u, v) {
let count = 0;
let frontier = [[u, v]];
while (n-- > 0 && frontier.length) {
let newFrontier = [];
for (let [u, v] of frontier) {
if (board[v]?.[u] === 0) {
board[v][u] = 2;
newFrontier.push([u, v - 1], [u + 1, v], [u, v + 1], [u - 1, v]);
frontier = newFrontier;
return count;
let board = [
].map(row => Array.from(row, Number));
let res = search(board, 6, 2, 2);
console.log("number of cells reached: ", res);
console.log(board.map(row => row.join(" ")).join("\n"));