I'm using jsPdf library to generate a pdf in React. But I'm unable to provide margins to the autoTable if there are more that one table in the single page!
Here is the code:-
import React from "react";
var { jsPDF } = require("jspdf");
function ShowPdf() {
const [head] = React.useState(["Name", "Email", "Country"]);
const [body] = React.useState([
["David", "[email protected]", "Sweden"],
["David", "[email protected]", "Sweden"],
["David", "[email protected]", "Sweden"],
["David", "[email protected]", "Sweden"],
["David", "[email protected]", "Sweden"],
const generatePDF = () => {
let doc = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "a4");
doc.setFont("Calibri", "bold");
doc.setTextColor(14, 3, 64);
doc.text("Table 1", 20, 140);
doc.line(20, 142, 550, 142);
doc.text("Table 2", 20, 300);
doc.line(20, 302, 550, 302);
margin: { top: 150, left: 20, bottom: 30 },
head: [head],
body: [body[0], body[1], body[2], body[3], body[4]],
margin: { top: 400, left: 20, bottom: 30 },
head: [head],
body: [body[0], body[1], body[2], body[3], body[4]],
window.open(doc.output("bloburl"), "_blank");
return (
<button onClick={generatePDF} type="primary">
Generate PDF
export default ShowPdf;
Margin is working for the first table but for the second table providing or changing top margin is not reflecting any change!
Can I provide x and y coordinates fot jsPdf autotable?
Got the answer! We can use startY to provide y coordinates to the table.