I'm trying to code a simple Discord bot in Java that responds whenever it detects a keyword stored in a text file. Before I connect to Discord I load the text file into an ArrayList, and when I receive a Discord message I convert the message string into an array and use retainAll()
to test for common elements, however when I run the program nothing happens. Here is my code.
Keywords keywords = new Keywords();
ArrayList<String> keywordList = keywords.getKeywords();
final DiscordClient client = DiscordClient.create("TOKEN");
final GatewayDiscordClient gateway = client.login().block();
gateway.on(MessageCreateEvent.class).subscribe(event -> {
final Message message = event.getMessage();
boolean commonElements = keywordList.retainAll(Arrays.asList(message.getContent().split("\\s+")));
if (commonElements) {
final MessageChannel channel = message.getChannel().block();
Any pointers in the right direction would be very much appreciated, thanks.
I eventually managed to solve this using Collections.disjoint()
to compare the 2 arrays.