I am trying to refer to a variable value from both a generic-variable Name (like "Mike") and an unambiguous-variable-name like "myNeighbor_Mike_age".
The Database entry comes with the ID as name like:
dbObject =
I want a generic structure so that i can write functions for e.g. the myNeighbor
-objectType of which I may have multible ( like: "closeNeighbor"; "neighborNextStreat"):
newPersonObject =
I am looking for a way to link the dbObject
name to the coresponding object of newPersonObject
. So I have do o the "linking work" only once and can then just use the full name (i.e. as part of a linking-function name) to set the values.
I thought I coud reference it within the main-object like:
newPersonObject.myNeighbor.Mike.age = dbObject.MyNeighbor_Mike_age
In the programm I used computed properties to dynamically set the value so it looked more like this:
peopleType = Object.keys(newPersonObject)[0]
name = Object.keys(newPersonObject[peopleType][0])
// used a for(-of)-loop but for simplicity
newPersonObject[peopleType][name]["age"] = dbObject[newPersonObject[peopleType][name].ID]
so that I can access the variable without needing to parse the DB-variable-name (runtime and hardware resources). I.e.
newPersonObject[MyNeighbor_Mike_age] = dbObject[MyNeighbor_Mike_age] // =21
// and have also set newPersonObject.myNeighbor.Mike.age to 21
But it didn´t work.
I came up with the following "solution" which i think is not optimal, bc. i have to call a function and it seems counterintuitive to call
newPersonObject.<variableName>(xxx) to set a value:
newPersonObject[personObject.ID] = function(ageValue){
this[typeOfPerson][name].value = ageValue;
I currently set the values via a loop like this:
for(let objectKey of Object.keys(dbObject)){
newPersonObject[objectKey ](dbArray[objectKey])
//objectKey should return
I am using Node-Red so i would preferably not add extra packages or use global-variables.
Any idea, how to tidy things up?
Thanks in advance
Ok looks like I overcomplicated things. As @Bergi pointed out the following was more usefull: instead of refering to the values i now just do a loop over the relevant properties
// for each group like "neighbor";"friend"
for(let peopleType in newPersonObject){
//for each name like "Mike" "Nik" "Thomas"
for(let name in newPersonObject[peopleType]){
let unambiguousID = newPersonObject[peopleType][name].ID
newPersonObject[peopleType][name].age= dbObject[unambiguousID];
It is easier and cleaner than throwing in a custom funktion, like my first idea. So far it does not look like the performance hit is extreme nor significant from 1-3 ms to 1-4 ms so far for 1000 people of 5 Types.