Is it possible to apply a filter on the Entity in order to filter the following collection entry, based on the lang property within descriptions and subTypes.descriptions?
"id": "609a85120c133e33e4cc3ed7",
"code": "REST",
"descriptions": [
"lang": "pt",
"description": "Restaurante"
"lang": "en",
"description": "Restaurant"
"subTypes": [
"code": "TIP",
"descriptions": [
"lang": "pt",
"description": "Restaurante Tipico"
"lang": "en",
"description": "Typical Restaurante"
"code": "HMB",
"descriptions": [
"lang": "pt",
"description": "Restaurante Hamburger"
"lang": "en",
"description": "Burger"
I would like to apply the query on the list method from PanacheMongoEntity. Is this possible?
You can use any query possible on MongoDB on the list
method of PanacheMongoEntity via a native MongoDB query (so a standard JSON query).
MongoDB allow to query an array of document, and support projection on the array element.
MongoDB with Panache projection via the find().project()
method only works with field projection so you'll need to use a native MongoDB query directly on the collection, you will not be able to use the list
Something like this should work:
Entity.mongoCollection().find("{//your query}", "{subTypes.descriptions:{$elemMatch: {lang:'en'}}}");