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plist editing in XCode 4: Can you not move rows anymore?

This one is stupid, and there's probably a ridiculously simple answer I'm just not aware of:

I'm trying to edit the plist for my Settings.bundle to implement preferences in my app. I want to tweak the order of a few groups, but I can't figure out how to move rows around. In XCode 3 you could just drag rows around to rearrange them, but it seems this no longer works in XCode 4. Short of deleting everything and re-recreating them in the correct order, how can I re-arrange the rows?



  • I think it's an annoying gotcha that quite a few have run in to.

    Check out:

    How do you change a plist's root object type to NSArray in Xcode 4


    Change the editor Xcode 4 uses for property lists?

    Basically, you can't. Changing the plist editor to textedit was the best solution for me. Also you can right click on the plist file and select "Open As > Source Code" to edit the plist raw.