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Formatting Cell in WPF DataGrid

Say I have a DataGrid with its ItemsSource binding to a data table(whose columns are various). One column of the table is double type with several NaN values. While on the display part, I want to format all the NaN value to blank.

What I did is to set a style to the DataGridCell like this:

<Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
    <Setter Property="Content" Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource NumberConverter}}" />

But it doesn't work because the DataContext of the cell is DataRowView which means I cannot get which column I was at in the converter.

Any one has a good idea? Thanks a lot.


  • Actually, what I want to do is to convert the NaN cells to blank. So I created the DataTable and generate the DataColumn which allows DBNull. When the value is NaN in the datasource, I can set the value to DBNull.Value so that the NaN shows nothing in my DataGrid. Hope it helps if you have the same issue.