The black boundary is a modal component, the red is a component which has some form fields. The buttons, save / cancel are based in the parent modal component. The form is actually 2 levels down from the modal (modal component -> child wrapper -> child form) so vuex feels a better choice.
There is also a file picker in the form.
What is the best way to get the data from the component (which could be one of a number of forms) when a user clicks the Save button.
option 1 - on each field change, call a method to update data in VUEX.
option 1a - update an object on each field change containing the whole form
option 1b - update each field individually on change.
option 2 - use refs to call some sort of submit method in child.
option 3 - a better way than 1 or 2!
You can use a computed setter to avoid mutating outside of the mutation.
computed: {
fieldOne: {
get () {
return this.$
set (newValue) {
this.$store.commit('data/fieldOne', newValue)
Alternatively, you might use :value
and @input
instead of v-model
@input="$store.commit('data/fieldOne', $"