When overlay modal is opened, if i hit enter key, iframe refresh is called. I can not figure out how to disable that. Any help would be much appreciated.
This is the only resource i found about this issue so far: http://code.google.com/p/nyromodal/issues/detail?id=271
closeOnClick: false,
closeButton: "<span class='nyroModalClose'>CLOSE</span>",
callbacks: {
beforeShowCont: function(nm) {
Cufon.replace('span.nyroModalClose', { color: '#015eb3', fontFamily: 'UniversCondensed' });
$('#modal-respass .show-reset').show();
$('#modal-respass .show-thank-you').hide();
afterShowCont: function(nm) {
/* this is the eval ==> */$('a').blur();