My requirement is to click on each and every payment method (pay-safe, visa, bit-pay etc.) and then validate using assert method by comparing URL.
Problem : Unable to click on element. I'm getting null value in variable. Tried using val() as well as html() method.
I tried below code.
//cy.get('.real-money--providers-list') = allPaymentMethods
depositFiat.allPaymentMethods().find('[src*="providers/logo"]').each(($element, index, $list) => {
var namePaymentProvider = $element.find('[alt*="safe"]').text()
As cypress unable to handle child windows I tried to use invoke method but no luck.
Find HTML here
<div class="provider-img"><img alt="safecharge_paysafecard" class="style__Logo-a3ugi5-2 fAwRoV visible" src=""></div>
As per your HTML fiddle, I could see that for every payment provider you can use the css selector img[class*="style__Logo"]
For one payment method you can use:
cy.get('img[class*="style__Logo"]').eq(0).invoke('attr', 'src').should('contain', 'https: //')