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Kotlin: RestTemplateCustomizer customize() method is not being called

  • I am writing a customize ResponseErrorHandler for all RestTemplate api call in application. This application is a Spring Boot application and written in Kotlin

My code:


class ServiceApiErrorHandler(
    val agentAuthService: AgentAuthService
) : DefaultResponseErrorHandler() {
    companion object {
        private val logger: LogService = LogServiceImpl(

    override fun hasError(response: ClientHttpResponse): Boolean {
        return (response.statusCode.is4xxClientError || response.statusCode.is5xxServerError)

    override fun handleError(response: ClientHttpResponse) {"LOGIN AGAIN 1")


    override fun handleError(url: URI, method: HttpMethod, response: ClientHttpResponse) {
        if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED && ServiceApiEnpoint.isServiceApiEndpoint(url = url.toString())) {

CustomRestTemplateCustomizer class

class CustomRestTemplateCustomizer(
    val agentAuthService: AgentAuthService
) : RestTemplateCustomizer {
    override fun customize(restTemplate: RestTemplate) {
            restTemplate.errorHandler = ServiceApiErrorHandler(agentAuthService = agentAuthService)

ClientHttpConfig class

class ClientHttpConfig(
    val agentAuthService: AgentAuthService
) {
    fun customRestTemplateCustomizer(): CustomRestTemplateCustomizer {
        return CustomRestTemplateCustomizer(agentAuthService = agentAuthService);

The problem is when I run, RestTemplate still handle error using DefaultResponseErrorHandler and after debug, I quickly realize that the customize() method in class CustomRestTemplateCustomizer was never being called.

So my questions is:

  • Is customize() method suppose to be automatic called? If not, how should i call it?
  • Does my code is ok to implement customize ResponseErrorHandler?

Note: I follow the tutorial in Java: to write this version in Kotlin.


  • how do you create the RestTemplate instance?

    try adding a Bean, then the customizer should be used

    class ClientHttpConfig(
        val agentAuthService: AgentAuthService,
        @Autowired val builder: RestTemplateBuilder
    ) {
        fun customRestTemplateCustomizer(): CustomRestTemplateCustomizer {
            return CustomRestTemplateCustomizer(agentAuthService = agentAuthService);
        fun customizedRestTemplate(): RestTemplate {

    Edit: needs to be created by RestTemplateBuilder