I am trying to make gatsby-background-image work with v3 of gatsby-plugin-image. I have followed documentation and found I should be using gbimage-bridge.
For some reason it doesn't seem to work. My query works fine when testing in ide. I have tried to change my query and consts in all sorts of ways but can't seem to make it work.
Right now it just outputs the text Test but no background is being displayed.
My code:
import { graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby"
import { getImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image"
import { BgImage } from "gbimage-bridge"
const GbiBridged = () => {
const { backgroundImage123 } = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query {
backgroundImage123: allWpPage {
nodes {
ACFforside {
heroimg {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
width: 2000
quality: 50
placeholder: BLURRED
formats: [AUTO, WEBP, AVIF]
const pluginImage = getImage(backgroundImage123)
return (
<BgImage image={pluginImage}>Test</BgImage>
export default GbiBridged
I think your snippet should look like:
import React from 'react'
import { graphql, useStaticQuery } from 'gatsby'
import { getImage, GatsbyImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image"
import { convertToBgImage } from "gbimage-bridge"
import BackgroundImage from 'gatsby-background-image'
const GbiBridged = () => {
const { backgroundImage123 } = useStaticQuery(
query {
backgroundImage123: allWpPage {
nodes {
ACFforside {
heroimg {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
width: 2000
quality: 50
placeholder: BLURRED
formats: [AUTO, WEBP, AVIF]
const image = getImage(backgroundImage123.nodes[0].ACFforside.heroimg.localFile)
// Use like this:
const bgImage = convertToBgImage(image)
return (
// Spread bgImage into BackgroundImage:
<div style={{minHeight: 1000, minWidth: 1000}}>
<GatsbyImage image={image} alt={"testimage"}/>
export default GbiBridged
I'm assuming that your query is fetching the right nodes, otherwise, test it in the localhost:8000/___graphql