Here's a string:
Sample text here, EXTRACTTHIS(), and ignore the rest.
to be extracted, so I used this simple formula:
=MID(LEFT(A5,FIND("()",A5)+1),FIND(" ",A5)+1,LEN(A5))
However I got this:
text here, EXTRACTTHIS()
Of course I can just mod it to be =MID(LEFT(A6,FIND("()",A6)+1),FIND(" ",A6)+10,LEN(A6))
But I want this formula to work with the whole column such as the following example:
I give you the next sample: WHAT_IF_THE_STRING_LENGTH_IS_DIFFERENT(), what to do?
The problem is that Excel counts from the left side of the parent string. I want Excel to count the 1st substring ' ' from the right side of the 2nd substring which is (). Is it doable?
In your examples, it appears you want to extract the substring that ends with ()
If that is not what you mean, please be more specific.
Try: =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,FIND("()",A1)+1)," ",REPT(" ",99)),99))
: FIND("()",A1)
LEFT(A1, ... +1) => Sample text here, EXTRACTTHIS()
TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(... , " ",REPT(" ",99)),99))