This Meteor client code which uses regex to match words in a sentence, it matches fine but only on index 0 and even number index. why is it not matching on every index number? Thanks
let matches = '2006 BLUE TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SER SEDAN'.match(/[A-Z0-9]*/gi)
console.log('yr: ', matches[0]) //2006
console.log('color: ', matches[1]) // blank, why?
console.log('color?: ', matches[2]) //BLUE
console.log('make?: ', matches[3]) // blank, why?
console.log('make: ', matches[4]) //TOYOTA
console.log('modle: ', matches[6]) //COROLLA
it happens because you use * operator instead of + difference between them is:
* - 0 or more of the preceding expression
+ - 1 or more of the preceding expression
so in your case * operator takes this empty space as "0 or more" and thinks, that it is a separate element, expression, that you probably want is:
let matches = '2006 BLUE TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SER SEDAN'.match(/[A-Z0-9]+/gi)