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Block code run from the inspect element in JS?

I have a javascript game that people have started hacking by changing the score variable from the console in the inspect element, is there a way to make it so that code from the inspect element console will not be run?


  • I would use scoped variables, so the attacker can't access them from the console.

    const unscoped = "you can reach me from the console";
      const scoped = "you can NOT reach me from the console";

    Another option would be to wrap all of your code in an Immediately Invoking Function Expression (IIFE):

    "use strict";
    (function game() {
      //code goes here
      for (var score = 0; score <= 5; score++) console.log("Score: ", score);
    console.log("Attacking attempt:");

    EDIT: that last one requires you to use strict mode (type "use strict"; at the beginning of the file)