I am trying to make sure that the user enters a strong password in the JTextField. however, it works good but it counts the backspace, shift, and ctrl when clicked
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
// if else make sure that the user do not enter space
if (Character.isWhitespace(e.getKeyChar())) {
passwordMessage.setText("spaces are not allowed!!");
} else {
// if elseif else to make sure that the user enter a good length
// passwordtext.getText().length() does not count the first entered so I -1 from the length
if(passwordtext.getText().length() >= 14) { // if length is 15 or above
passwordMessage.setText("password is Strong");
else if(passwordtext.getText().length() >= 7) { // if length is 8 or above
passwordMessage.setText("password is Good");
else if(passwordtext.getText().length() < 7) { // if length is less than 8
passwordMessage.setText("minimum password is 8 letters or digits!!");
else if(passwordtext.getText().length() == 0) { // setting the label text to be empty
-for example, if the user typed 12345678 the "password is Good" will appear in the label but if he clicked backspace and removed the 8 the "password is Good" will still appear in the label because it removed the 8 but added the click of the backspace so the length is still 8
-same thing happened when the user type 1234567 and then click ctrl the "password is Good" will appear because it counts the click of the ctrl
but it counts the arrows and the backspace when clicked
Your logic should be based on the text in the text field.
Don't use a KeyListener.
Instead you can use a DocumentListener
. An event will be generated every time text is added or removed from the text field.
Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Write a DocumentListener for more information and working examples.
if (Character.isWhitespace(e.getKeyChar())) {
If you want to do editing of the text as it is typed then you should either:
, orDocumentFilter