I'm trying for hours to change the color of the rectangle which is next to my column chart (i'm new using google chart) and i can't find a solution can you help me pls ?
This is my code :
var data3 = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Element', 'Nombre de projets en cours',{ role: 'style' }, { role: 'annotation' }, ],
['Abel', abelProjet, '#05204A', '' ],
['Evan', evanProjet, '#05204A', '' ],
['Florent', florentProjet, '#05204A', '' ],
['Florian', florianProjet, '#05204A', '' ],
['Martin', martinProjet, '#05204A', '' ],
['Novan', novanProjet, '#05204A', '' ],
['Valentin', valentinProjet, '#05204A', '' ]
var options3 = {};
And this is how it's looking : Screenshot
The rectangle is supposed to be in the same color of the columns right ?
use the colors
chart option...
this is what drives the legend.
var options3 = {
colors: ['#05204A']
this option will color the bars the same, and the style role can be removed.
the style role is only needed if you need to override the color of a specific bar in a series.