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Find cell before last that is greater than 0

I have the following code in VBA to find the last cell inside a range that is greater than 0:

Set myRange = .Range(.Cells(1, 14), .Cells(1, 23))
count = 0 'Counter
For Each cll In myRange
   If cll.Value > 0 Then
      count = count + 1
      NoZeroDir = cll.Address
   End If

It gets the address of the last cell greater than 0 in that range. But, how could I get the address from the cell greater than 0 before this last one?

I was thinking of using an offset but that way I'd get the cell before the last > 0 but this cell could not be > 0.

To illustrate it a bit, as an example I have:

2 3 5 0 1 7 0 8 1 0 1

The address from the last cell > 0 would be (1,11) but I want the cell before that one > 0, that is (1,9), not (1,10) as this is 0.


  • To find the second last number that is >0

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub FindSecondLastValueGreaterZero()
        Dim MyRange As Range
        Set MyRange = Range("A1:K1")
        Const MAXSKIPS As Long = 1  ' skip 1 number that is >0
        Dim Skips As Long
        Dim iCol As Long
        For iCol = MyRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
            If MyRange(1, iCol).Value > 0 And Skips < MAXSKIPS Then
                Skips = Skips + 1
            ElseIf MyRange(1, iCol).Value > 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Found at: " & MyRange(1, iCol).Address
                Exit For
            End If
        Next iCol
    End Sub

    This will start in K loop backwards until it finds a 0 then keeps doing it until skipped >0 is 1 and print the address I1 as result.

    enter image description here

    Since this loops backwards from right to left it should find the result (in most cases) faster than your code.