Problem:Sometimes an Access Request Target is a Single Target, Sometimes it is an array
Question: How can I make Jackson deserialize to either a Single Target or an Array depending on what is found?
Single Target JSON
"access_request": {
"targets": {
"target": {
"@type": "ANY",
"id": 1189118
Array of Target JSON
"access_request": {
"targets": {
"target": [
"@type": "Object",
"id": 1189167,
"object_name": "OUTSIDE",
"object_type": "acl",
"object_details": "",
"management_id": 29,
"management_name": "ace2"
"@type": "Object",
"id": 1189168,
"object_name": "ONRAMP",
"object_type": "acl",
"object_details": "",
"management_id": 29,
"management_name": "ace1"
'Target' POJO:
}) @Generated("jsonschema2pojo") public class Targets implements Serializable {
private Target target = new Target();//How can I make Jackson deserialize to either a Single Target or an Array<Target> depending on what is found?
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
.//Getters, Setters
Use a single field of type List, and activate the feature ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY
YourTargetClass result = mapper.reader(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY)