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Retry SQL UPDATE query after waiting x seconds

I am using a RichSinkFunction to execute a SQL UPDATE query on an existing record. This function assumes that a record already exists on the DB. However, in certain scenarios the existing record is late.

To overcome the issue of record lateness, I have added a Thread.sleep() to make the function wait and retry the DB update.

Sample code provided below for reference.

class RichSinkFact extends RichSinkFunction[FulfillmentUsagesOutput]{

private def updateFactUpcoming(
    r: FulfillmentUsagesOutput,
    schemaName: String
  ): Unit = {

    var updateStmt: PreparedStatement = null
    val sqlStatement =
         |UPDATE $schemaName.$factUpcomingTableName
         |SET unit_id = ?
         |WHERE pledge_id = ?

    try {
      updateStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlStatement)
      updateStmt.setLong(1, r.unit_id)
      updateStmt.setString(2, r.pledge_id)
      val rows = updateStmt.executeUpdate()

      if(rows == 0) {
        logger.warn(s"Retrying update for ${r}")
        //retry update
        val rows = updateStmt.executeUpdate()
        if(rows == 0){
          //raise error
          logger.error(s"Unable to update row: ${r}")

    } finally {
      if (updateStmt != null) {

Question : Since Flink already implements other timers and uses internal time processing functions, is this the right way of retrying a DB update?



  • Thanks to David for the original idea behind this approach. Sink.ProcessingTimeService is only present from Flink 1.12 onwards. So, for anyone on a previous version of Flink looking to implement a similar solution, ProcessingTimeCallback can be used to implement timers in a Sink application.

    I have included a sample approach here