I have a GET request where I am trying to find a movie in my database by ID. I keep getting a 404 error in Postman, but when I log the response I am getting everything I need. I've been going round in circles now, so I'm sure I just missed something small, but I can't figure out what I'm doing that is throwing a 404.
This is in my App.js:
app.use('/myMovies', MovieRouter);
.all((req, res, next) => {
const db = req.app.get('db')
MovieService.getById(db, req.params.movie_id)
.then(movie => {
if(!movie) { // this runs fine
return res.status(404).json({ error: `Movie doesn't exist`})
console.log('line 61: ', movie) // returns: line 61: { id: 867, title: 'Sliver', watched: false, user_id: 2 }
res.movie = movie
console.log('line 63: ', res.movie) // returns: line 63: { id: 867, title: 'Sliver', watched: false, user_id: 2 }
return movie;
const MovieService = {
getById(db, id) {
return db.from('your_movie_list').select(
.where('your_movie_list.id', id).first()
If you found a movie from the database, you need to send the response to the client.
console.log('line 61: ', movie) // returns: line 61: { id: 867, title: 'Sliver', watched: false, user_id: 2 }
res.movie = movie
console.log('line 63: ', res.movie) // returns: line 63: { id: 867, title: 'Sliver', watched: false, user_id: 2 }
return movie;
by :
console.log('line 61: ', movie);
res.json({movie : movie});