I'm trying to save the edited PDF which I fetched from the remote server back to its location without having it downloaded/stored on the local machine. I'm using JSch SFTP method to get the input PDF file from the SFTP server using
x = new BufferedInputStream(channelSftp.get("example.pdf"));
PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(x);
and after doing some edits using PDFbox, I'm trying to save it using:
documents.save(new File("ftp/path/location"));
I am not able to because I know it only works for your local directory only. Also I can see that document.save
accept OutputStream` parameter, but I do not know how to use it here.
I don't have any problems with taking input using stream reader. All I need is to save that edited PDF back to its location (possibly replace) without having to download it on my local system.
Use the ChannelSftp.put
overload that returns OutputStream
try (OutputStream out = channelSftp.put("example.pdf")) {