I try to change style of my class modal after radio button is unchecked, but it does not work. It only adds class card-modal-2 but not removing it. I tried stuff sth like nextElementSibling etc but still no progress. I'll be very glad for any help.
const modal = document.getElementsByClassName("modal")[0];
const gridModal = modal.getElementsByClassName("grid-modal")[0];
var checkbox = document.querySelectorAll("input[name=group-1]");
for (let i = 0; i < modal.childElementCount - 1; i++) {
let cardModal = gridModal.getElementsByClassName("card-modal")[i];
checkbox[i].addEventListener("change", function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
<div class="grid-modal">
<div class="card-modal">
<label class="radio-label"><h4>Pledge with no reward</h4>
<input class ="radio" type="radio" name="group-1" autocomplete="off" checked="false">
<span class="check"></span>
<p class="first-label"> Choose to support us without a reward if you simply believe in our project. As a backer, you will be signed up to receive product updates via email.</p>
<div class="card-modal">
<label class="radio-label">Bamboo Stand
<input class ="radio" type="radio" name="group-1" autocomplete="off" checked="false">
<span class="check"></span>
<p>Pledge $25 or more</p>
<p> You get an ergonomic stand made of natural bamboo. You've helped us launch our promotional campaign, and you’ll be added to a special Backer member list.</p>
Let's start with the solution:
<div class="grid-modal">
<div class="card-modal">
<label class="radio-label"><h4>Pledge with no reward</h4>
<input class ="radio" type="radio" name="group-1" autocomplete="off" checked="false">
<span class="check"></span>
<p class="first-label"> Choose to support us without a reward if you simply believe in our project. As a backer, you will be signed up to receive product updates via email.</p>
<div class="card-modal">
<label class="radio-label">Bamboo Stand
<input class ="radio" type="radio" name="group-1" autocomplete="off" checked="false">
<span class="check"></span>
<p>Pledge $25 or more</p>
<p> You get an ergonomic stand made of natural bamboo. You've helped us launch our promotional campaign, and you’ll be added to a special Backer member list.</p>
const gridModal = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-modal")[0];
var checkbox = document.querySelectorAll("input[name=group-1]");
var cardModals = gridModal.getElementsByClassName("card-modal");
for (let i = 0; i < checkbox.length; i++) {
checkbox[i].addEventListener("change", function() {
for (let j = 0; j < cardModals.length; j++)
if (i === j) {
} else {
Explanation: You do not uncheck a radio button (it's not a checkbox), you are checking the other where the class is correctly added. You need to add the class to the checked radio button and remove the class from the others.