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After save - Creating 2 sheets Copy without Formulas in New workbook and Save as

I have a large Excel file (ORIGINAL.xlsm) with many sheets. I need to create automaticaly another file (COPY.xlsx), when I save the ORIGINAL.xlsm. The COPY.xlsx file should only contain 2 sheets (EXP1 and EXP2). But EXP1 and EXP2 must only contain values without formulas and ORIGINAL.xlsm may not be affected by this operations. I am trying to solve, but the original file is always negatively affected (formulas removed). I would like to avoid the use of ActiveWorkBook call because it is often operated with multiple open Excel.

    Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)
Dim UserProfile As String
Dim Path As String
Dim NewBook2 As Workbook
UserProfile = VBA.Environ$("Userprofile")

Path = UserProfile & "\Dropbox\Program\COPY.xlsx"

Set NewBook2 = Workbooks.Add
NewBook2.SaveAs Filename:=Path

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EXP1").Copy Before:=Workbooks("COPY.xlsx").Sheets(1)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EXP2").Copy Before:=Workbooks("COPY.xlsx").Sheets(2)


Workbooks("COPY.xlsx").Sheets("EXP2").Copy Before:=Workbooks("COPY.xlsx").Sheets(2)

Workbooks("COPY.xlsx").UsedRange.Value = Workbooks("COPY.xlsx").UsedRange.Value

End Sub


  • You neither need the line with .Activate nor the line with .Select to make this code work. You might benefit from reading How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA.

    Note that your Workbooks("COPY.xlsx") is already set to NewBook2 so better use that variable just in case the name COPY.xlsx ever changes NewBook2 will always work.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)
        Dim UserProfile As String
        UserProfile = VBA.Environ$("Userprofile")
        Dim Path As String
        Path = UserProfile & "\Dropbox\Program\COPY.xlsx"
        Dim NewBook2 As Workbook
        Set NewBook2 = Workbooks.Add
        NewBook2.SaveAs Filename:=Path
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EXP1").Copy Before:=NewBook2.Sheets(1)
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EXP2").Copy Before:=NewBook2.Sheets(2)
        NewBook2.Sheets(2).UsedRange.Value = NewBook2.Sheets(2).UsedRange.Value
        'here you need to save and probably close your new workbook
        NewBook2.Close SaveChanges:=True 'or NewBook2.Save if you want to keep it open.
    End Sub

    The issue you had was that a workbook does not have a UsedRange like Workbooks("COPY.xlsx").UsedRange you need to specify a worksheet like NewBook2.Sheets(2).UsedRange.