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Unit testing: how to stub a wrapper function

I'm new to unit testing and trying to figure out how to stub a wrapper function. I'm using Sinon/Mocha.

If I have a function like:

const user = await User.findOne({ email: email });

I've been able to stub it like so:

const userFindOneStub = sandbox.stub(User, 'findOne')
    _id: 'userId1234',
    companies: [
      _id: 'companyId1234'

But I've had to create a wrapper for my function to reorder the params for a specific function, using Lodash:

const userWrapper = _.rearg(UserFunction, [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4]);
const res = await userWrapper(someargs);

I can stub the UserFunction call, but how would I stub the userWrapper call in a unit test?


  • By save userWrapper as a module and follow Sinon How to Stub Dependency.

    For example you can create userWrapper.js to like this.

    // File: userWrapper.js
    // This is just sample
    const userWrapper = () => {
      // In your case is: _.rearg(UserFunction, [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4]);
    module.exports = { userWrapper };

    Then you can use it in your main js to like this.

    // File: main.js
    const wrapper = require('./userWrapper.js');
    module.exports = async function main () {
      // In your case: const res = await userWrapper();

    And finally the test file.

    // File: test.js
    const sinon = require('sinon');
    const wrapper = require('./userWrapper.js');
    const main = require('./main.js');
    it('Stub userWrapper', () => {
      const stub = sinon.stub(wrapper, 'userWrapper').callsFake(() => {

    When you run it using mocha from terminal:

    $ npx mocha test.js
      ✓ Stub userWrapper
      1 passing (3ms)