Bit of a strange one today.
I've a very basic project. A form and added to that I have an inline form. It's books to authors.
When the form loads(/authors/create/) I have a author name and underneath I have a form where I can add books to that author.
To be able to have dynamic inlines(able to add or remove on the form) I'm using
My problem now is that when I add a new inline, all my datepickers(for the date published fields) for the inline form stops working.
I have attached my sample project showing exactly what is wrong. You can download and run it here.
Why and how can I fix this?
I am sure there is cleaner and more clever way to do it. But working proof of concept:
function renewDatePickers() {
$(".datepicker").datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'});
$(function() {
$('.form-row.inline.{{ book_form.prefix }}').formset({
prefix: '{{ book_form.prefix }}',
added: renewDatePickers // Event -- read inline docs
And take Your JS code from base.html
to author_form.html