I am trying to load this lazyload polyfill script into my Magneto 2 project.
The code works but there is a console error I am trying to fix and having no luck.
Chrome console: loading-attribute-polyfill.js Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined at loading-attribute-polyfill.js:263
Safari console: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: module
I have tried loading it in the head via xml, manually before end in a phtml template, and also through requirejs-config.js, all give the same error.
In case it matters I was loading it via requirejs like this:
var config = {
deps: [
map: { ... }
Has anyone implemented this script into magento 2 without this error? Is there a manual edit I can make to the script to workaround this?
Which version of this polyfil are you trying to use? There are many versions https://github.com/mfranzke/loading-attribute-polyfill/tree/master/dist
The UMD one looks to be RequireJS compatible, but will probably need changes in the config.