I have a simple html table and want to dynamically add rows to it. Some cells of the table are buttons for which I have set onclick events. inside the listener function I just log hello. the problem is that, when I push the button, it prints 123 on the console then the page and console are automatically refreshed.
here's my code:
let row= document.getElementById("table-body");
let cell = row.insertCell(0);
let serial = 123;
cell.innerHTML = "<button" + " onclick='removeServiceMap( " + serial + " )' " + ">" + "حذف" + "</button>";
and removeServiceMap function is as follow:
function removeServiceMap (serial) {
does anybody know what's wrong with this code?
You want to make the elements using:
const elm = document.createElement("tag");
then you can add an event listener to it using:
elm.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
If you want to delete the row, you can just select the parent and remove it.
elm.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
To add the element you made to the DOM, select an element and use appendChild();