I would like to add onKeyDown event for a flatpickr element in my page. Currently I have the below code, but this is not working. The event is not getting fired. Any help is appreciated.
const dob = flatpickr('#date_of_birth', {
allowInput: true,
altInput: true,
altFormat: "m-d-Y",
dateFormat: "m-d-Y",
wrap: true,
window.onload = function() {
if(dob) {
dob.config.onKeyDown.push(function(selectedDates, dateStr, instance) {
console.log("Date Value: " + dateStr); // not printed
Edit: I am using Flatpickr as a Vue component in my application.
Finally I was able to get the onKeyDown event working with the below code:
const dob = flatpickr('#date_of_birth', {
allowInput: true,
altInput: true,
altFormat: "m-d-Y",
dateFormat: "m-d-Y",
wrap: true,
onKeyDown: (selectedDates, dateStr, instance, event) => {
if(event.keyCode != 8) {
var ele = document.activeElement;
var val = ele.value;
if (val.length == 2 || val.length == 5) {
val += '-';
ele.value = val;
ele.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
Hope it helps someone out there in future.